David Luehr to Lead NORTHEAST 2025 Pre-Show “Success” Workshop

Luehr intends to show audience members how to not only increase productivity and profit, but also how to reduce stress. Most body shop chaos is avoidable by consistently doing the basics well. Luehr and his team have studied the effects of a few high-leverage actions that eliminate most of the stressors.
“In other words, if you do these few things, you work less and accomplish more!” according to Luehr.
His workshop will dive into transforming the atmosphere of one’s shop in the areas of work in process (WIP), repair planning accuracy and parts management. It’s recommended the entire team attend the course in order to learn and build an action plan together.
“Time is the most precious thing we possess,” adds Luehr. “I am on a mission to make 2025 the best year ever for hard working collision professionals by helping them discover high leverage strategies to buy back their time.”
Tuition for the workshop is separate from the NORTHEAST education package. Visit aaspnjnortheast.com/events for more information on how to register. NORTHEAST attendees can take advantage of a special 50 percent discount on registration with a valid badge ID. Members of AASP/NJ in good standing who attend this workshop will receive a certificate that can be used toward fulfilling the training requirement portion of the New Jersey Auto Body License Renewal.
Luehr will return to the classrooms later in the NORTHEAST weekend to present “REV UP Your Business,” where he plans to share the secrets of the world’s best body shops while helping repair professionals build a strategy to take advantage of the incredible opportunities coming their way.
For more information on NORTHEAST 2025, visit aaspnjnortheast.com. For more information on AASP/NJ, visit aaspnj.org.