AASP/NJ to Hold 2nd Annual Lou Scoras Memorial Golf Outing May 8

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AASP/NJ to Hold 2nd Annual Lou Scoras Memorial Golf Outing May 8

The Alliance of Automotive Service Providers of New Jersey (AASP/NJ) has scheduled the 2nd Annual Lou Scoras Memorial Golf outing for Monday, May 8 at the prestigious Bamm Hollow Country Club in Lincroft, NJ. The outing honors the memory of former Central Jersey Auto Body Association President and AASP/NJ member Lou Scoras, who passed away suddenly in 2005.

“Lou was a very important part of our association for so many years,” AASP/NJ President Tom Elder says. “In some way it’s a little comforting to know that we are honoring him each year with the outing. It’s one of the many ways his memory stays with us.”

“We all miss Lou terribly,” says AASP/NJ Executive Director Charles Bryant, who came up with the idea of honoring Scoras. “To get a chance to honor him the way we do enables us to keep his memory alive and let others know how much he meant to the association.”

The outing will serve lunch at 11:30am and have a shotgun start at 1pm followed by dinner at 6:30pm. Player and sponsor forms can be obtained by going to www.aaspnj.org or contacting Charles Bryant at 732-922-8909.
